Breaking changes
Please find here some breaking changes while upgrading from previous versions
- [BaseAddress] Now we can set base address with the brand new
attribure instead of the now removedWebApi
useless ones, and only if you need to set it at design time
Former WebApi
, CrudEntity
and MappedCrudEntity
attributes have been dropped out to keep things simple and consistent.
Don't write anymore:
public interface IReqResService
Task<UserList> GetUsersAsync();
Now write:
public interface IReqResService
Task<UserList> GetUsersAsync();
Don't write anymore:
public record User
Now write:
public record User
- [AutoRegister] Now we can tell Apizr to auto register apis with the brand new
attribure instead of the now removedWebApi
useless ones
Former WebApi
, CrudEntity
and MappedCrudEntity
attributes have been dropped out to keep things simple and consistent.
Don't write anymore:
public interface IReqResService
Task<UserList> GetUsersAsync();
Now write:
public interface IReqResService
Task<UserList> GetUsersAsync();
Don't write anymore:
// OR [MappedCrudEntity("")]
public record User
Now write:
public record User
Note that `AutoRegister` attribute could take the api type as parameter or generic argument so that you could provide your own crud definition types if needed:
[AutoRegister<ICrudApi<User, int, PagedResult<User>, IDictionary<string, object>>>("")]
public record User
- [MappedWith] Now we can tell Apizr to map data while using MediatR thanks to the yet known
attribure instead of the now removedCrudEntity
useless ones
Former CrudEntity
and MappedCrudEntity
attributes have been dropped out to keep things simple and consistent.
Don't write anymore:
// OR [MappedCrudEntity<MinUser>("")]
public record User
Now write:
public record User
[Polly] Now supporting the brand new Polly v8+ Resilience Strategies/Pipelines instead of former Polly v7- Policies
You'll have to rewrite your policies as strategies/pipelines. Here is an example of a former policy and its new equivalent strategy/pipeline:
Don't write anymore:
var policy = Policy .Handle<SomeExceptionType>() .Retry(3);
Now write:
var resiliencePipelineBuilder = new ResiliencePipelineBuilder() .AddRetry(new RetryStrategyOptions { ShouldHandle = new PredicateBuilder().Handle<SomeExceptionType>(), MaxRetryAttempts = 3, Delay = TimeSpan.Zero, });
You can't register your policies into a policy registry and provide it to Apizr anymore. You have to register your pipeline into a pipeline registry instead and provide it to Apizr:
Don't write anymore:
var registry = new PolicyRegistry { { "TransientHttpError", policy } }; ... services.AddPolicyRegistry(registry);
Now write:
services.AddResiliencePipeline<string, HttpResponseMessage>("TransientHttpError", builder => builder.AddPipeline(resiliencePipelineBuilder.Build()));
Don't write anymore:
var registry = new PolicyRegistry { { "TransientHttpError", policy } }; ... options => options.WithPolicyRegistry(registry)
Now write:
var resiliencePipelineRegistry = new ResiliencePipelineRegistry<string>(); resiliencePipelineRegistry.TryAddBuilder<HttpResponseMessage>("TransientHttpError", (builder, _) => builder.AddPipeline(resiliencePipelineBuilder.Build())); ... options => options.WithResiliencePipelineRegistry(resiliencePipelineRegistry)
You can't provide your own context instance anymore to carry some properties. But you can provide your properties directly instead:
Don't write anymore:
var context = new Context {{ "TestKey1", 1 }}; ... options => options.WithContext(context);
Now write:
ResiliencePropertyKey<string> testKey1 = new("TestKey1"); ... options => options.WithResilienceProperty(testKey1, "testValue1")
You'll have to change your PolicyAttribute to ResiliencePipelineAttribute.
Don't write anymore:
[assembly:Policy("TransientHttpError")] namespace Apizr.Sample { [WebApi("")] public interface IReqResService { [Get("/users")] Task<UserList> GetUsersAsync(); } }
Now write:
[assembly:ResiliencePipeline("TransientHttpError")] namespace Apizr.Sample { [WebApi("")] public interface IReqResService { [Get("/users")] Task<UserList> GetUsersAsync(); } }
[Headers] Now WithHeaders options take an enumerable parameter instead of a parameter array so that we could provide some more optional parameters
Don't write anymore:
// direct configuration options => options.AddHeaders("HeaderKey1: HeaderValue1", "HeaderKey2: HeaderValue2") // OR factory configuration options => options.AddHeaders(() => $"HeaderKey3: {YourHeaderValue3}") // OR extended factory configuration with the service provider instance options => options.AddHeaders(serviceProvider => $"HeaderKey3: {serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IYourSettingsService>().YourHeaderValue3}")
Now write:
// direct configuration options => options.AddHeaders(["HeaderKey1: HeaderValue1", "HeaderKey2: HeaderValue2"]) // OR factory configuration options => options.AddHeaders(() => [$"HeaderKey3: {YourHeaderValue3}"]) // OR extended factory configuration with the service provider instance options => options.AddHeaders(serviceProvider => [$"HeaderKey3: {serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IYourSettingsService>().YourHeaderValue3}"]) // OR extended factory configuration with your service instance options => options.AddHeaders<IYourSettingsService>([settings => $"HeaderKey3: {settings.YourHeaderValue3}"])
[DelegatingHandler] Now we can register DelegatingHandlers thanks to WithDelegatingHandler fluent option instead of the AddDelegatingHandler deleted one for consistency
Don't write anymore:
// direct configuration options => options.AddDelegatingHandler(YourDelegatingHandler) // OR factory configuration with the logger instance options => options.AddDelegatingHandler(logger => YourDelegatingHandler) // OR factory configuration with the logger and options instances options => options.AddDelegatingHandler((logger, options) => YourDelegatingHandler) // OR factory configuration with the service provider instance options => options.AddDelegatingHandler(serviceProvider => YourDelegatingHandler) // OR factory configuration with the service provider and options instances options => options.AddDelegatingHandler((serviceProvider, options) => YourDelegatingHandler)
Now write:
// direct configuration options => options.WithDelegatingHandler(YourDelegatingHandler) // OR factory configuration with the logger instance options => options.WithDelegatingHandler(logger => YourDelegatingHandler) // OR factory configuration with the logger and options instances options => options.WithDelegatingHandler((logger, options) => YourDelegatingHandler) // OR factory configuration with the service provider instance options => options.WithDelegatingHandler(serviceProvider => YourDelegatingHandler) // OR factory configuration with the service provider and options instances options => options.WithDelegatingHandler((serviceProvider, options) => YourDelegatingHandler)
[CacheMode] Now
enum option has been renamed toCacheMode.FetchOrGet
so that it says what it actually does and improve consistency with the otherCacheMode.GetOrFetch
optionDon't write anymore:
// attribute configuration [Cache(CacheMode.GetAndFetch, ...)] // OR fluent configuration options => options.WithCaching(CacheMode.GetAndFetch, ...)
Now write:
// attribute configuration [Cache(CacheMode.FetchOrGet, ...)] // OR fluent configuration options => options.WithCaching(CacheMode.FetchOrGet, ...)
[HttpClient] Now we can configure the HttpClient instead of providing one (same as extended experience) with the brand new ConfigureHttpClient fluent option
Don't write anymore:
options => options.WithHttpClient((httpMessageHandler, baseUri) => new YourOwnHttpClient(httpMessageHandler, false){BaseAddress = baseUri, WhateverOption = whateverValue});
Now write:
options => options.ConfigureHttpClient(httpClient => httpClient.WhateverOption = whateverValue)
Now ApizrBuilder static class exposes a single public property named Current and returning its own instance to get acces to its methods, so that it could be extended then by other packages
Don't write anymore:
Now write:
Some methods have been deprecated and moved as extension methods to a dedicated namespace, pointing to the new core ones
Don't write anymore:
// Designing [Get("/")] Task<MyResult> WhatEver([Priority] int priority, [Context] Context context, CancellationToken cancellationToken); // Requesting myManager.ExecuteAsync((ctx, ct, api) => api.WhatEver((int)Priority.Background, ct), context, token, true, OnEx)
Now write:
// Designing [Get("/")] Task<MyResult> WhatEver([RequestOptions] IApizrRequestOptions options); // Requesting myResult = await myManager.ExecuteAsync((opt, api) => api.WhatEver(opt), options => options.WithCacheClearing(true) .WithCancellation(token) .WithContext(context) .WithPriority(Priority.Background) .WithExCatcher(OnEx));
- Apizr static class renamed to ApizrBuilder to match its purpose and doesn't conflict with its namespace anymore
- ApizrBuilder's methods renamed to match their return type so that we know what we're about to build (e.g. CreateRegistry, AddManagerFor, CreateManagerFor)
- ApizrRegistry's methods renamed to match their return type so that we know what we're about to get (e.g. GetManagerFor, GetCrudManagerFor, ContainsManagerFor)
- Extension methods renamed to match their return type so that we know what we're about to build (e.g. AddManagerFor, AddCrudManagerFor)
- ApizrExtendedRegistry's methods renamed to match their return type so that we know what we're about to get (e.g. GetManagerFor, GetCrudManagerFor, ContainsManagerFor)
- ApizrMediationRegistry's methods renamed to match their return type so that we know what we're about to get (e.g. GetMediatorFor, GetCrudMediatorFor, ContainsMediatorFor)
- ApizrOptionalMediationRegistry's methods renamed to match their return type so that we know what we're about to get (e.g. GetOptionalMediatorFor, GetCrudOptionalMediatorFor, ContainsOptionalMediatorFor)
- TraceAttribute has been renamed back to LogAttribute
- Now we can set a LogLevel value for each Low, Medium and High severity by attribute or fluent configuration
- Now Apizr.Integrations.MediatR targets .Net Standard 2.1 as MediatR v10+ does
- Now Apizr.Integrations.Optional targets .Net Standard 2.1 as Apizr.Integrations.MediatR v4+ does
- Now Apizr.Integrations.AutoMapper targets .Net Standard 2.1 as AutoMapper v11+ does
Apizr.Integrations.Shiny has been discontinued
This integration project has been dropped out as Shiny no longer provide built-in caching and logging feature anymore. Apizr now either relies on MS Caching extensions, Akavache or MonkeyCache for caching feature and MS Logging extensions for logging feature. You'll have to provide a connectivity handler if you want Apizr to check it.
- Fusillade has been moved to an integration package. If you used to play with it, just install it from its brand new dedicated integration package and follow the new Readme instructions
- TraceAttribute renamed to LogItAttribute to suits its tracing and logging both features activation
- CacheAttribute renamed to CacheItAttribute to keep things consistent
- No more cache and policy attribute decorating CRUD api by default. You can activate it fluently with the options builder.
renamed toWithMediation
renamed toWithOptionalMediation
- Apizr instantiation/registration methods names standardized to Apizr.For and Apizr.CrudFor
- Apizr instantiation/registration methods names standardized to services.AddApizrFor and services.AddApizrCrudFor
- Apizr instantiation/registration methods names standardized to services.UseApizrFor and services.UseApizrCrudFor