Configuring authentication
Apizr provides its own AuthenticationHandler to manage the authentication workflow .
As Apizr is based on Refit, you can decorate your authenticated apis like so (here with bearer authorization):
namespace Apizr.Sample
public interface IHttpBinService
[Headers("Authorization: Bearer")]
Task<HttpResponseMessage> AuthBearerAsync();
Fluent Headers
Note that you can either define headers at registration time with some fluent options.
To activate this feature, you have to configure it thanks to the options builder.
You can do it with both extended and static registrations, for example by using local handling methods:
options => options.WithAuthenticationHandler(OnGetTokenAsync, OnSetTokenAsync, OnRefreshTokenAsync)
private Task<string> OnGetTokenAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken ct)
// Return local stored token
private Task OnSetTokenAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, string token, CancellationToken ct)
// Save token to local store
private Task<string> OnRefreshTokenAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, string token, CancellationToken ct)
// May refresh the unauthorized token by sending a refreshing request
// Could process a login flow that returns a fresh token
You may want to deal with authentication configuration with deeper control and customizations. Here are some other authentication options:
- When you want the token to be saved to and load from a property by Apizr, as well as be refreshed when needed:
// by service mappings (both services should be registered in service collection)
options => options.WithAuthenticationHandler<ISettingsService, IAuthService>(
settingsService => settingsService.Token,
(authService, request, tk, ct) => authService.RefreshTokenAsync(request, tk, ct))
- When you don't want Apizr to refresh the token neither save it, but just load its constant value when needed:
// by local handling methods
options => options.WithAuthenticationHandler(OnGetTokenAsync)
// OR by service hanling methods
options => options.WithAuthenticationHandler<ISettingsService>(
(settingsService, request, ct) => settingsService.GetTokenAsync(request, ct))
// OR by property mapping expression with public getter only
options => options.WithAuthenticationHandler<ISettingsService>(
settingsService => settingsService.Token)
- When you don't want Apizr to refresh the token, but just save and load it when needed:
// by local handling methods
options => options.WithAuthenticationHandler(OnGetTokenAsync, OnSetTokenAsync)
// OR by service hanling methods
options => options.WithAuthenticationHandler<ISettingsService>(
(settingsService, request, ct) => settingsService.GetTokenAsync(request, ct),
(settingsService, request, tk, ct) => settingsService.SetTokenAsync(request, tk, ct))
// OR by property mapping expression with public getter and setter
options => options.WithAuthenticationHandler<ISettingsService>(
settingsService => settingsService.Token)
- When you don't want Apizr to save the token anywhere, but just deal with the refresh token method:
// by local handling methods
options => options.WithAuthenticationHandler(OnRefreshTokenAsync)
// OR by service hanling methods
options => options.WithAuthenticationHandler<IAuthService>(
(authService, request, tk, ct) => authService.RefreshTokenAsync(request, tk, ct))
- When you want to provide your own
open generic implementation:
// by open generic auto resolving (need to be registered in service collection)
public class YourAuthenticationHandler<TWebApi> : AuthenticationHandlerBase
private readonly IAnyOtherService _service;
public YourAuthenticationHandler(IApizrManagerOptions<TWebApi> options, IAnyOtherService service) : base(options)
_service = service;
options => options.WithAuthenticationHandler(typeof(YourAuthenticationHandler<>))
- When you want to provide your own
// by manual instantiation
options => options.WithAuthenticationHandler<YourAuthenticationHandler>(
(serviceProvider, options) => new YourAuthenticationHandler(...))
There's nothing more to deal with. Protected requests will be authenticated by Apizr thnaks to the get/set methods, otherwise it will call the refresh one.
Anyway, here is the AuthenticationHandler's SendAsync method FYI:
protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// See if the request has an authorize header
var auth = request.Headers.Authorization;
if(auth == null) // No authorization header, just send the request
return await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Authorization required!
HttpRequestMessage clonedRequest = null;
string refreshedToken = null;
// Get logging config
request.TryGetApizrRequestOptions(out var requestOptions);
var context = request.GetOrBuildApizrResilienceContext(cancellationToken);
if (!context.TryGetLogger(out var logger, out var logLevels, out var _, out var _))
logLevels = requestOptions?.LogLevels ?? ApizrOptions.LogLevels;
logger = ApizrOptions.Logger;
// Get the token from saved settings if available
logger?.Log(logLevels.Low(), $"{context.OperationKey}: Authorization required with scheme {auth.Scheme}");
var formerToken = await GetTokenAsync(request, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(formerToken))
// We have one, then clone the request in case we need to re-issue it with a refreshed token
logger?.Log(logLevels.Low(), $"{context.OperationKey}: Saved token will be used");
clonedRequest = await CloneHttpRequestMessageAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Refresh the token
logger?.Log(logLevels.Low(), $"{context.OperationKey}: No token saved yet. Refreshing token...");
refreshedToken = await RefreshTokenAsync(request, formerToken, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// If no token is provided, fail fast by returning an Unauthorized response without sending the request
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(refreshedToken))
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
RequestMessage = request,
ReasonPhrase = "Authorization token is missing.",
Content = new StringContent("Authorization token is missing.")
// Set the authentication header
request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue(auth.Scheme, refreshedToken ?? formerToken);
logger?.Log(logLevels.Low(), $"{context.OperationKey}: Authorization header has been set");
// Send the request
logger?.Log(logLevels.Low(), $"{context.OperationKey}: Sending request...");
var response = await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Check if we get an Unauthorized response with token from settings
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized && clonedRequest != null)
logger?.Log(logLevels.Medium(), $"{context.OperationKey}: Unauthorized !");
// Refresh the token
logger?.Log(logLevels.Low(), $"{context.OperationKey}: Refreshing token...");
refreshedToken = await RefreshTokenAsync(request, formerToken, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// If no token is provided, fail fast by returning an Unauthorized response without sending the request
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(refreshedToken))
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
RequestMessage = request,
ReasonPhrase = "Authorization token is missing.",
Content = new StringContent("Authorization token is missing.")
// Set the authentication header with refreshed token
clonedRequest.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue(auth.Scheme, refreshedToken);
logger?.Log(logLevels.Low(), $"{context.OperationKey}: Authorization header has been set with refreshed token");
// Send the request
logger?.Log(logLevels.Low(), $"{context.OperationKey}: Sending request again but with refreshed authorization header...");
response = await base.SendAsync(clonedRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Clear the token if unauthorized
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
refreshedToken = string.Empty; // Some services may require a non-null value to be cached
logger?.Log(logLevels.High(), $"{context.OperationKey}: Unauthorized ! Token has been cleared");
// Save the refreshed token if succeed or clear it if not
if (refreshedToken != null && refreshedToken != formerToken)
await SetTokenAsync(request, refreshedToken, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
logger?.Log(logLevels.Low(), $"{context.OperationKey}: Refreshed token saved");
return response;
The workflow:
- We check if the request needs to be authenticated
- If so, we try to load a previously saved token
- If there’s one, we clone the request in case we need to re-issue it with a refreshed token (as token could be rejected server side)
- If there’s not, we ask for a refreshed one, depending on your
implementation (at this stage, a login flow)
- We set the authentication header with the token
- We finally send the request
- We check if we get an Unauthorized response
- If so and if it was sent with a saved token, we ask for a refreshed one, depending on your
implementation (at this stage, a refresh request or a login flow) - We set the authentication header of the cloned request with the refreshed token
- We send the cloned request
- If so and if it was sent with a saved token, we ask for a refreshed one, depending on your
- We save the token if succeed or clear it if not
- We return the response